Friday, June 15, 2007

Lez Be Friends

Lez Be Friends is the pilot and first episode of a new sitcom, which we can hope might actually be coming soon to a (cable) television near you; I can certainly imagine it on Logo. The setup: a young gay man (Jamie) and a young butch lesbian (Ricca) from Ohio move to New York City the day after the Stonewall riots. They happen into an apartment-sharing situation with the Stonewall's bartender (Blake), but the landlord upstairs hates lesbians, so they have to contrive to conceal Ricca's true nature. Hilarity ensues, with plenty of eye candy in the mix: both Jamie and Blake are dreamy. I would say that probably more than 3/4 of the jokes worked, which is a pretty good batting average for a sitcom. The producers are serious about taking it to a network if they can find one willing to give them a chance; given what they did with a shoestring budget, I can only imagine what they could do with even 1% of the budget for plain-old Friends. Failing that, the episodes already filmed must come out on DVD.

Lez Be Friends, dir. Glenn Gaylord, 2007 USA, 70 min.

Technorati tags: Lez Be Friends, Frameline, Frameline31, LGBT Film, sitcom

NOTE: Lez Be Friends will screen again on Sunday, June 17, at 9:30 p.m. at the Victoria Theatre

1 comment:

  1. Wow - thank you so much for the great review. As the Writer/Director of LEZ BE FRIENDS, I'm thrilled by your response. All I can say is "from your mouth to God's ears" as far as getting a network and/or distribution deal. Really appreciate your supportive words...and always remember, "Where's the dick?"
