Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tinta bruta (Hard Paint)

Tinta bruta (Hard Paint), dir. Filipe Matzembacher & Marcio Reolon, 2018 Brazil, 118 minutes, in Brazilian Portuguese with English subtitles 😴💩🤮🤬😖
Tuesday, June 19, 9:15 p.m. Castro

Tinta bruta (Hard Paint)
Boring people doing boring things while bored, punctuated with sex scenes (only a couple of which were even marginally interesting) and scenes of homophobic violence. This film some­how managed to win the Teddy at the Berlin Interna­tional Film Festival and raves from the Frameline folks, but I went back to the festival program afterwards to see what on earth they could’ve possibly seen in this fiasco. The Frameline blurb says, “Actor Shico Menegat’s nuanced performance makes [main character] Pedro instantly relatable.” I couldn’t disagree more. I found Pedro utterly unrelatable, uninteresting, and unsympathetic. The blurb goes on to say, “[D]irectors Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon have crafted a love letter to community.” Well, it certainly looked like a giant FUCK YOU to their home town of Porto Alegre, Brazil, and any­thing but a love letter to anyone or anything.

I sat through almost the entire two hours because it seemed like there HAD to be some redeeming value to garner such accolades, but I really wish I had followed my gut instinct and walked out at least an hour and a half earlier. Sure, I would’ve missed the few bits that were actually sexy, but I wouldn’t have wasted two hours of my life that I could’ve spent cataloging specimens of navel lint. Emphatically NOT RECOMMENDED.


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