Sunday, June 30, 2019

Clases de historia (History Lessons)

Clases de historia (History Lessons), dir. Marcelino Islas Hernández, 2018, Mexico, 104m, in Spanish with English subtitles 👍
Sunday, June 23, 4:00 pm, Victoria Theatre • U.S. première
Saturday, June 29, 6:30 pm, Landmark Theatres Piedmont (Oakland)

Clases de historia
(History Lessons)
We the audience get to know Lucas and Gilda (Tomás Wicz and Laila Maltz, pictured) bit by bit, through a sequence of scenes with only sparse exposition, flashback, or even back reference, paralleling their process of getting reacquainted. Brother and sister have been forced together by their mother’s death, carrying out her final wishes with a visit to her cottage on the Argentinian coast, but then they get stranded together by a national bus strike preventing them from returning home. As they wait for the strike to end, Lucas ventures out with some of the locals, including a young man with similar interests in fitness and motorcycles (and more), but the uncer­tain­ty of the situation looms over each day. 

It’s a deftly woven tale with interesting characters given the space to inhabit interesting situ­a­tions, definitely Highly recommended.

IMDbtrailer (vimeo) • official website (en español) •

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