Monday, June 24, 2024

Doppelgängers³ (Doppelgangers3)

Doppelgängers³, dir. Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian, 2024 UK/USA, 73 min., in English, Armenian, and French, fully subtitled in English 👍
Monday, June 24, 2024, 8:30 PM, New Parkway
Digital Screening Room streaming encore

woman in a space suit inside a training simulator
Dr. Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian has worked in fields as diverse as SETI research, architecture, and textile design. Her personal heritage is a mix of French Algerian and Armenian. In this documentary, she explores some questions that arise when we think about colonizing the moon and beyond. How can a small colony, perhaps a dozen or at most a few hundred people, represent the diversity of human experience, in terms of race and language, but also in terms of gender identity, sexual orientation, and political outlook? What psychological, sociological, cultural, economic, ecological, and philosophical issues need to be studied? She interviews everyone from ubiquitous theoretical physicist Michio Kaku to a trans rights activist in Armenia.

There’s quite a lot of interesting material, but it felt a bit scattershot, jumping about without a cohesive focus. It was thought-provoking, but I couldn’t help feeling it could have been more. Recommended.

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