Monday, June 24, 2024

Frammenti di un percorso amoroso (Fragments of a Life Loved)

Frammenti di un percorso amoroso (Fragments of a Life Loved), dir. Chloé Barreau, 2023 Italy, 96 min., in French and Italian with English subtitles 🥱
Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:00 PM, Roxie
not available in the Digital Screening Room streaming encore
🏆 Frameline48 Jury Award: Outstanding Documentary Feature

a jumble of photographs of ex-lovers
Frammenti / Fragments
The Frameline description says, “Imagine walking into a room filled with all your former lovers, and they’re talking about you. Now imagine they’re all there because you invited them.” There are just two things: (1) the former lovers are not in the same room for the great majority of the film, they’re interviewed individually, and (2) Chloé was not present for most of the interviews.

Chloe Barreau obsessively video recorded her entire life, starting in her teens, including footage of every single person she had a romantic or sexual relationship with, back to age 16. She also hoarded photos and love letters. She mixes that archive material with present-day interviews with the ex-lovers, laying bare just about every facet of their interactions. It felt self-indulgent, maybe a bit exhibitionistic, like something that might have held my interest if I knew any of the people involved, but, as it was, it was occasionally interesting but never compelling. Chloé certainly has a colorful romantic past, which she puts on display, warts and all, but I really didn’t get any bigger picture, just “here are all my exes talking about how we got together and why we broke up.” If the description sounds interesting, check out the preview (link below), but if the description has you saying “meh,” you should probably skip it. Neutral recommendation.

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