Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Frameline48: What I’m Looking Forward to Seeing in the Theater

I’ve been seeing as many films as possible before the festival begins, and will continue to review some that I see before the festival screening, but there are several I’m very much looking forward to seeing in the theater. Here are some of those, in chronological order by screening time:
  • Go Fish. I saw this film at Frameline18 lo these many years ago, and am thrilled to see it at Frameline again. I will be there, wearing my Frameline18 t-shirt (my oldest surviving Frameline shirt).
  • Young Hearts
  • My Old Ass
  • Extremely Unique Dynamic. I got to pre-screen this, but I want to see it again with an audience
  • Merchant Ivory
  • Turtles
  • National Anthem
  • Demons at Dawn (U.S. premiere). I didn’t like the filmmaker’s entry last year, La huella de unos labios (The Trace of Your Lips), but I’m giving him a second chance.
  • Good One
  • Out. Another one I pre-screened but want to see with an audience for its World Premiere
  • The Astronaut Lovers (U.S. premiere)
  • Crossing (not available for advance review and not available for streaming)
  • Perfect Endings (13 Sentimientos). (North American premiere) The new film from Daniel Ribeiro, the director of two of my favorite films, I Don’t Want to Go Home Alone (Eu nåo quero voltar sozinho) and The Way He Looks (Hoje eu quero voltar sozinho). Gotta be there in person for that.
  • Haze (not available for advance review and not available for streaming)
  • Lena Waithe Conversation (live event)

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