Sunday, June 30, 2024


Throuple, dir. Greyson Horst, 2024 USA, 89 min. 🙂
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 3:30 PM, Roxie
(preceded by the short Dream Burger, which is in the “Wild Combination” streaming shorts)
available (separately) in the Digital Screening Room streaming encore

three adult men cuddle in bed
Michael (pictured, left) is an aspiring musician, working by day as an executive assistant. He’s also an annoying self-centered wishy-washy mess. He meets Georgie (center) and Connor (right), a married couple. Michael is much more interested in Georgie than in Connor, setting up a delicate balancing act of throupling up without destroying the couple. Various situations with Georgie and Connor, and with his best friend Tristan and her longtime girlfriend Abby, force Michael out of his bubble to confront who he wants to be and how he wants to relate to others. I won’t give it away, but I thought the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying, as if they wanted to have a couple more scenes but ran out of time. I’m not a big fan of annoying protagonists, but I’ll give this one a “recommended.”

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